Sustainable Country Living: The Guide to Living Through Troubled Times – A Detailed Look at Moving Out of the Cities and Preparing for a Peaceful … Lifestyle (Preparing for the Time of Trouble)


Sustainable Country Living – The Guide to Living Through Troubled Times – A Detailed Look at Moving Out of the Cities and Preparing for a Peaceful Country Lifestyle.

The urban centers are becoming more and more dangerous with a steady increase of homeless tent cities littered by discarded junky drug paraphernalia. Those living, of necessity, in these homeless encampments are themselves in an ever-dangerous environment, holding onto every scrap of earthly possession, housed in stolen shopping carts, to not have these last vestiges of worldly belongings being stolen by others, leaving them even more destitute. The political policies of the defunding of police have limited those who remain in law enforcement. These directives keep police from being able to stop extreme violence resulting in paralyzing business establishments due to the increased instances of “smash and grab” robberies of businesses in the large cities. This has caused many respected drugstores and retail businesses to close in the cities, leaving behind abandoned retail spaces, waiting for further damage, and defacing graffiti.

So, what should a person do to get out of the dangers and the potential impending doom of the large urban centers? The answer is to get out of harm’s way by embracing the country living lifestyle and enjoying a productive, fulfilling, and peaceful life in nature! This book is an in-depth resource on how to accomplish this life-altering transition.

An indispensable guide for anyone considering a move to the countryside. This comprehensive book covers all major topics you need knowledge of regarding your country home. A must-read before you purchase rural property. – Abe B., Queen Creek, AZ

What an excellent read! This book is chock full of everything you need to know if you’re considering relocating to a self-sustaining country home. Definitely a ‘must have’ to guide you through the process. The information is invaluable to every aspect of country living. – Lorrie W., White Rock, BC

A guide to find a simpler life; removed from the busyness and dependencies of modern life. This book is the most comprehensive guide imaginable. Throughout, he gives counsel on what to look for when choosing the best property. I could not imagine a more complete and comprehensive “how-to” guide. You will be amazed and grateful to have this resource. – David C., Torreboone, OR

Topics include: Urban Dangers – The End of Life as We Know It – When to Leave the Cities – What if You Can’t Buy or Sell? – Planning for Being Sustainably Independent – Alternative Energy Basics – Solar – Wind – Micro-Hydro – Geothermal – Pedal Power – Safe Water Sources – Wells – Springs – Rainwater Harvesting – Surface Water – Water Purification Methods – Heating with Wood – Information Grid – Financial Grid – Homestead Remedies – Emergency Preparedness – EMP Dangers and Precautions – Year-Round Food Supply – Back to Eden Gardening Method – Mittleider Gardening Method – Ellen White Gardening Method – Seed Saving – Extending Growing Seasons – Produce Preservation – What to Look for in Country Property – How to Find Good Country Property – Dangers of Household Mold – Passive Solar Architectural Design – Balancing Physical and Spiritual Preparation – Christian Preppers vs. Doomsday Preppers – Warning Those in the Cities – plus a multi-page Property Wish List.

Get your copy today by clicking the “Buy Now” button right now!

Donn Leiske is an international seminar presenter about country living and preparedness for future troubled times. A lifelong educator, Donn and his family have been living the country lifestyle most
of their lives. Donn is an author, produces the videos on “Preparing for the Time of Trouble”
YouTube channel, emails End Time Updates, and hosts